"One of the world’s top backgammon players, Bob Wachtel is also a master storyteller, a talented photographer, and a brilliant analyst. This dazzling first-hand account of his journey as the mind sport of backgammon evolved over the last two decades is a must-read for anyone curious about or already in love with the game."
Karen Davis: President/Executive Director, U.S. Backgammon Federation.
"In my 50+ years of experience in the gaming world, I have met many brilliant thinkers, mathematicians, and naturally-gifted players; but few of them, even those who have written books, are able to express themselves in a way that most mortals, like me, can relate to and learn from. Bob Wachtel is a rare and amazing exception, as you will see for yourself when you read this vivid, engaging “chronicle” of the cut and thrust of life at the very top of the game. Bob is a fierce but self-critical competitor: and you will revel, as I did, in his jousts with the best and brightest, but likewise feel the pain when the Dice Gods––the diabolical rulers of this unique and exciting game––make him their victim."
Phil Simborg: Co-founder, TheBackgammonLearningCenter.com; accredited US Backgammon Federation teaching professional.
"As a millennial-generation backgammon player, I’ve always been aware that I was born too late to experience some of the fascinating chapters in the game’s recent history. But now that I’ve had the opportunity to read Bob Wachtel’s delightful memoir, I feel like I’d lived through that era myself! What a storyteller Bob is! Every page was a joy to read. This book is one-of-a-kind, a unique contribution to backgammon literature."
Marc B. Olsen, founder and CEO of BackgammonGalaxy.com